Yep...I'm a lumberjack

Hello all!

So, as you guys all know, I am working in Colorado for the Rocky Mountain Youth Conservation Corps. I will be doing trail work- working with a chainsaw and basically kicking ass and taking names. It will certainly be an experience living out of a backpack for 2 and a half months. A bit different than my usual summer of beach bumming and rockin the fish market. This is for those who care a bit about me and what I will be doing. Join me won't you?? As I journey into the land of 3 pairs of underwear a week and no house music for miles. Will I survive?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

getting ready

I leave Thursday! gahhh can't believe it. I'm trying to pack my whole life for the next several months into on backpack. Quite a switch from someone who occasionally has to pack an extra bag just for shoes. Well I am going to be rocking the very stylish Chippewa work boots this summer. woot wooottttt